Donate to the Foundation
Your donation is essential to the continued growth of the Foundation and future research initiatives. You can help support the Foundation and our mission by making a tax-deductible contribution.
Ways to Donate
- Donate through our secure online donation form.
- Mail a check made out to the Foundation for Community Association Research to:
Foundation for Community Association Research
6402 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 500
Falls Church, VA 22042

Memorial and Honorary Donations
A donation In Honor of or In Memory of a loved one is a respectful way to show your appreciation for their contributions to our industry. On our donation site, you can select the amount you want to give and add the name of the person whose life you are honoring as well as the individual we need to inform about your gift (we do not disclose gift amount unless you request this option). We’ll send you a tax acknowledgement receipt for your record keeping and send a letter to your recipient alerting them that you made a donation in their honor or in memory of their loved one.
A bequest in your will or trust can be tailored to complement your financial goals while also supporting the Foundation for Community Association Research. It is the simplest way to make a significant gift to the Foundation without affecting your assets during your lifetime. Find out more.
Targeted Donation
You can also donate funds to a specific Foundation research program or initiative such as our Byron Hanke Fellowship, Big Picture Campaign, or Community Association Fact Book. Please specify with your payment which Foundation program(s) you would like to support.
View a list of our generous supporters.
Want more information? Email Executive Director Dawn Bauman, CAE, at
Thank you for your commitment to the Foundation’s mission and work.
Make a Contribution
Support the Foundation and our research initiatives by donating today!